Restaurant proposant la fameuse spécialité argentine : empanada. Egalement des vins et desserts traditionnels argentins revisités See Translation
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31 Rue Félibre Gaut, 13100 Aix-en-Provence, France +33 4 83 43 29 23


  • Guest
  • 1
    1 0
    The empanadas are so delicious - very fresh, authentic and beautifully made. Great for a picnic! The menu is wide ranging with meat and veggie options. The chocolate banana is fantastic! ? See Translation
    Reviewed: May 4, 2021
  • 50
    New York, FR
    137 712
    We tried vegetarian empanadas and ones with a spicy meat, and they were all absolutely delicious! I also love a presentation, with the number directly stamped on the dough. See Translation
    Reviewed: May 4, 2021

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Empanadas Club

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Empanadas Club

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